티스토리 뷰

25 / 50 (2e quart Ie s. ap. J.-C.)
Département des Antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines
Object name/Title
Dénomination : statue
Titre : Apollon Sauroctone
Original artwork
Apollon sauroctone (original en bronze) ; Praxitèle ; 2e quart IVe s. av. J.-C. (fin) ; 3e quart IVe s. av. J.-C. (début)
Apollon (éphèbe, cheveux, en bandeau, ruban, chignon, bas, nu, appuyé, sur, tronc d'arbre, supportant, lézard)
Condition of the work: incomplete: part of the right forearm and hand, part of the left arm, forearm and hand, right ankle, penis, head of the lizard ; these original missing parts were remade in marble formerly. The head, the ankles, the connections between the tree and the statue, the tree in 2 pieces have been glued back together. The attachment tenons and the right ankle have been completed.
Sully, [AGER] Salle 344 - Art grec classique et hellénistique, Salle 344 - Dieux et héros : Aphrodite et Eros)

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